Australian participants in the 2024 Young Breeders School trip to Belgium were (back, from left) Patrick Anderson, Hayden King, Ryan Barker; (front) Deniliquin’s Callum McPhee, Elly Simms and Bridget Liebelt.
The 2024 Young Breeders School trip has been given the tick of approval by five young dairy farmers and their mentor from Deniliquin, who travelled to Belgium to participate in the prestigious event.
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The Young Breeders School provides participants with the opportunity to network with other dairy industry professionals from around the world.
Callum McPhee from Deniliquin took on the role of mentor, and the group had one of the most successful years yet, finishing ninth out of about 25 countries.
He said the trip was a great experience for him personally and the team.
“The competition covers such a broad spectrum of skills — from the basics to the more experienced level and there was something for every participant to learn and pick up on,” Mr McPhee said.
He said he was blown away by the camaraderie.
“Even though it was still a competition it was really great to see everyone helping each other out and there were people there from countries that I didn’t even know had cows.”
Callum McPhee, pictured with partner Meg Erickson and their baby, had the job of mentoring the Australian team.
Mr McPhee found the school offered a really good insight into showmanship.
“Getting a first-hand view of the showmanship aspect has meant I can bring those learnings home and give myself a bit more of a leg up in that area when it comes to my own cows and future competitions.”
The McPhee family has been running Hillview Park Holsteins since 1956, and Callum has been showing cows himself since he was a young boy.
He urged any young farmers interested in the trip in the future, to keep an eye out for information for the 2025 trip.
This year’s Australian team comprised Ryan Barker from Tasmania, Bridget Liebelt from South Australia, Elly Simms from NSW and Hayden King and Patrick Anderson, both from Victoria.
The trip, in August, included some sightseeing opportunities, including a visit to the Barenbrug seed research facility and a look around some dairy farms.
The Young Breeders School is an annual, international event aimed at young people aged 13 to 25. The main aim is to learn your way around a cow, improve knowledge and optimise show preparation.