A red-letter day in the history of Deniliquin

The completion of the Moama-Deniliquin stage of the railway from Melbourne in 1876 contributed to the dramatic increase in Deniliquin’s population. Pictured is H Moser's famed photo of the Beyer Peacock locomotive No.1 arriving in Deniliquin in 1875. Photo by Moser, H.

This is the 20th article in a series of columns written by Alan Henderson about Deniliquin district historical events and issues. Alan’s grandfather purchased ‘Warragoon’ on the Finley Road in 1912. Alan was born in the Deniliquin Hospital in 1944 but moved to Canberra in 1967. In retirement he has written a family history, Boots, Gold and Wool, and will share some of his research in this local history column.

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