The investigation will zero in on the economic and social repercussions for regional communities and animal welfare considerations.
The Hon Mark Banasiak MLC, who chairs Portfolio Committee No. 4, said the inquiry will delve into the impact of the Federal Government's phase-out of live sheep exports on regional communities.
It will include, but not limited to, transport operators, fodder and grain producers and local meat processors.
“We'll assess these impacts, along with other factors such as the implications for demand for New South Wales mutton and whether the phase-out will affect the New South Wales Government's revenue and bottom line.”
"The inquiry will also examine the reasons for the Australian Government's phase-out of live sheep exports, potential economic losses from the phase-out, the impact on jobs across regional New South Wales, possible alternative markets, opportunities and income streams for New South Wales sheep producers, and whether the Australian Government should provide compensation to sheep producers in this state."
"Additionally, the inquiry will seek to identify examples of graziers in other regions or countries that have successfully transitioned away from live exports and assess broader community views in New South Wales of the live export industry."
The committee is calling for public input, with submissions accepted via the committee's specific page at until September 20, 2024.
An online questionnaire will also be available on the committee's website.