And while localised flooding has been an issue for some, it did provide local craftsman Archie Carvosoe the perfect opportunity to test out his new creations last week.
As a result of a blocked drain in Duncan St, prompting another complaint to council by the residents, Tamara Carvosoe said it did provide a ‘stream’ for a special test float.
“The neighbours thought it might be a prefect opportunity for Dad to test out the model boats he's been building - PS Pevensy and PS Emmy Lou models.
“He will hopefully be displaying these, plus other model boats he's made, at the next Deni Show.”
2025 Ute Muster countdown begins
Early bird tickets for the 2025 Deni Ute Muster have been announced through the week, although they aren’t on sale yet.
Sales will open at 11am on Tuesday.
Getting yourself an early bird ticket will save you a considerable amount of money.
For adults, the early bird tickets will cost you $250, whereas paying after the early bird period or all tickets are exhausted for that period, the price will be $330.
Get in as quick as you can the day they go on sale, as there are a limited number of tickets allocated for the early bird period.
And as other years have shown us, they’re snapped up fast.
The 2025 Deni Ute Muster will be on Friday and Saturday, October 3 and 4.
Rain putting summer sports on hold
The persistent and somewhat ‘annoying’ rain that has covered Deniliquin over the last fortnight or more has been putting a halt to a lot of local summer sports.
These sports include local cricket for seniors and juniors, bowls, croquet and even tennis.
These outdoor sports that require some sort of turf to play on are greatly affected by rain when we get it, forcing games to be called off and cancelled.
Forecasts are saying that we have a good chance of rain on Friday and Saturday this weekend, potentially putting a halt to another week of local sports.
But the weatherman is not always right, so we’ll wait anxiously.
Santa here for families, and charity
Santa has already made a few regular trips to Deniliquin as we get ready for the festive season.
And it’s all thanks to a few local business owners, who wanted to fill a gap when Santa photos at the Deniliquin Stadium were unfortunately cancelled.
Santa instead made himself available to families in the picturesque Deniliquin Waring Gardens last weekend.
And the demand has been so great, he’ll be back there this Sunday for more happy snaps.
You’ll find him between 10am and 2pm, on the Harrison St side of the gardens.
There is a fee of $30 for a 10 minute time slot with Santa, with a portion being donated to The Giving Tree charity helping provide gifts for children in need this holiday season.
Bookings are essential to secure your spot. Go to
Call Santa for free
If you can’t be there to meet Santa in person, calling him is the next best thing.
Telstra’s Santa Hotline is now open, and you can ring jolly old St Nick from any Tesltra payphone in the country for free.
There’s not as many of them in Deniliquin as there once was, but there are five that are still operational.
Dial #HO HO HO (#46 46 46) and make sure you’re ready with a few questions for Santa, and to tell him what’s on your wish list.
This service is available for free right up until Christmas Eve.
Deni’s payphones can be found at the corner of Crispe and Henry Sts, the corner of Harfleur and Wellington Sts, outside Deniliquin Hospital, at the Deniliquin Post Office and in Victoria St, next to the Caltex service station.