Deniliquin Rovers Reserves

(Back, from left) Cameron Robinson, Ben McCalman (co-coach), Mitchell Jefferies, Matthew Johnson, Hayden Doncon, Brodie Elphick, Dylan Mills, Matthew Horne (co-coach), Connor Didcock, Darby Watson, James Kirby, Ben Littmann, Tristan Fitzsimmons, Zack Thompson, Cooper King, Taj Payne, William Dudley, Simon Stubbings (team manager), Scott Howard and Peter Bermingham (interchange manager); (front) Aden Bermingham, Daniel Mison, Nicholas Stubbings, Jaidyn Druitt, Shannon Sampson, Alex Rourke, Matthew Wade, John Glowrey and Jack Pekin. Absent - Hayden Gardiner, Harry Mcilwain, Max Caruso, Adam Bodey, Peter Howley and Charlie Hussey. Photo by Rebecca Flisher

Adam Bodey (1) - An experienced and powerful ruckman who may feature in the finals should he get his body right. Will combine well with Kirbs and provide the midfielders with silver service.

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